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How shredders should be stored outdoors

Shredding industry from big to strong, it means that the shredder from bulky to flexible change. Zhengzhou Shuguang Heavy Industries in the product flexibility than traditional machines to enhance a lot, and changed the traditional large and bulky shredder problems, so that today's shredding equipment to meet the automation and flexibility features. Not only can be fixed in the workshop, but also move with the outdoor, as wood, plastic and other special waste recycling materials, shredding processing in the workshop inside the product should pay attention to processing after the check whether there is remaining material inside the cutter, to be empty Machine running out of the surrounding clean up; However, for outdoor storage of shredders, we should pay more attention to waterproof moisture measures, dry weather in the north should pay more attention to aging and other flammable circuits, these details should be at Do a good job before the start of the inspection machine, and cover the rain cloth after the shutdown. If it is a rusting of the important parts of the shredder, such as bearings, we should pay attention at this time, which is likely to cause the work efficiency of the shredder to slow down, and the friction becomes larger, and the internal of the shredder Wear and tear, this time we have to go through rust, and then add lubricant for protection, it is rusty place, we can consider replacing the rust part, the use of new parts to produce, so you can guarantee the normal shredder jobs.

Not only the shredder equipment has one thing in common with shredding equipment such as impact crushers, that is, not only sorting to accord to the raw materials for production but also according to the production efficiency, and in actual production The use of equipment, there are large and small, the purpose is to be able to be more efficient, as a more high-quality equipment, the choice of time not only to choose according to the production of raw materials, in the choice of time also according to their own Demand, the amount of a production is how much, we must choose the supporting equipment, if the actual production, the choice of equipment larger, but does not require a larger production, it will result in waste of resources The best way to do this is to forecast before buying and to choose the most suitable equipment for actual production, which is the most correct way.

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