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Analysis of the tire shredder pulley wear repair program

Tire shredders in the long-term use, the pulley bore often due to improper maintenance and wear and tear, and the use of conventional way of surfacing, the cost will be higher, and the way the welding, the construction process up Also more complicated, and has a very high degree of difficulty. The following Shuguang Heavy Industries for everyone to introduce the tire shredder belt bore wear repair program.

First of all: Expand the inner hole of the tire shredder pulley. Mainly for the tire shredder belt hole wear, not easy to repair the steps taken. The so-called extension station tire shredder pulley bore is the tire shredder pulley bore with a special tool to expand the expanded bore diameter larger than the original. And after the expansion of the original keyway to ensure that all have been car off, in order to insert the lining of its insert the minimum diameter of the inner hole to meet the requirements. The company is located in:

Second: Mounted Tire Shredder Pulley Bushing. Machinery factory inserts bushing mainly take two ways. The first is to use the 45 steel bar when preparing the bushing, and in the preparation process to ensure that the inner bore of the pulley, and its outer circumference can achieve interference fit.

The second is the same as the first 45 using 45 steel bar cars, but with the first difference is that in the preparation of its outer diameter to reserve gaps, and the gap site to use a special anaerobic Good Glue smear, and finally can be loaded into the wheel hole.

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