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Double shaft shredder

Double shaft shredders are integrated in complete machine lines, but these machines can also be used as a standalone machine. Double shaft shredder produced by shuguang perfectly adapts to treatments that require volume reduction and grinding with partial output size control. The exclusive and innovative cutting chamber design allows for quick shaft extraction and replacement complete with blades, drastically reducing maintenance time.The slow running speed in combination with the high cutting force guarantees the machine to be very versatile with low dust and noise emissions. 


1.Generate economically valuable products out of waste tyres;
2.Generated products have good market value and demand;
3.Raw material (wastage tyre) is cheap and easily available;
4.The process can be applied to all rubber based materials;
5.The system creates an alternate source of energy to reduce the burden on petroleum products and natural gases;
6.The system gives an opportunity to the government and local administrations to deal with the wastage tyre problems;
7.Coarse or Finely Cut Output Configurations;
8.Cutter Cartridge Technology;
9.Rugged Construction;
10.Low-speed, high-torque,low noise;
11.Blade base and blade on the rotary roller can be disassembly, easy to clean and maintenance;
12.Controlled by PLC system, the blade can rotated in opposite direction, it also can close automatic if something unexpected happen with very high safety service;
13.Easily retrofits into your existing facility Complete with safety guards and systems

Factory Address: Longjiang West Road, Shangjie District, Zhengzhou City

Contact number: +86-371-67666660 676667

Mobile phone: 0086 13523465141

After-sales Service Department: 0371-67666667

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