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Template tear machine equipment overload situation how to solve

Template shredder equipment in the production process will be overloaded situation, how to solve this situation?

1. The use of hydraulic coupling: the use of hydraulic coupling to prevent template shredder equipment overload occurs, so that the template shredder equipment can work under high pressure. Hydraulic couplings are installed between the template shredder and the motor. Under normal working conditions, the hydraulic coupling transmits the rated torque from the motor end to the template shredder. The maximum pressure difference is determined by the maximum torque delivered by the fluid coupling, and the maximum torque that can be transmitted by the fluid coupling is regulated by the amount of fluid in it. When the template shredder work under high differential pressure or start with the front shredder at the same time, there is a speed difference within the liquid coupling that slides, passing only a certain moment to decelerate the template shredder. As pumping proceeds, the gas load decreases and the template shredder gradually accelerates to the rated speed.

2. The use of mechanical automatic pressure regulating bypass valve: Bypass valve mounted on the bypass pipe between the outlet and inlet of the template shredder equipment, control the pressure drop between the template shredder equipment inlet and outlet does not exceed the rated value. When the differential pressure reaches the rated value, the valve opens automatically by the differential pressure effect so that the outlet communicates with the inlet and the pressure differential between the inlet and the outlet decreases rapidly. At this time, the template shredder operates with almost no pressure difference. When the pressure drop below the rated value, the valve automatically shut down, the gas through the template shredder device from the front shredder, template bypass shredder with bypass shredder can be at the same time with the former Start, make the unit easy to operate.

3. The use of vacuum electrical components to control the template shredder inlet pressure: In the template shredder inlet pipe placement vacuum diaphragm relay or electrical contact pressure gauges and other pressure-sensitive components. After the vacuum system is started, when the pressure at the entrance of the template shredder is lower than a given value, the pressure sensitive element sends a signal to open the template shredder via the electrical control system. If the inlet pressure of the template shredder is higher than the specified value, Automatic closure of the template shredder, thus ensuring the reliable operation of the template shredder.

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