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What is the material of a large shredder cutter?

Everyone knows that the core component of a large shredder is the tool. The material and quality of the tool directly affect the production efficiency and production quality of the equipment. However, the tool with the best material will have a certain amount of wear under long-term production. The degree will also directly affect the production efficiency of the equipment. Is there a correction for worn tools?

The shredder is mainly used for automobile shells, paint buckets, cans, color steel tiles, and scrap iron shredders. Therefore, the quality of the special self-protective blades of the Hongyi machinery manufacturers and the price of the good shredder blades are also very high. The crusher blade is attributed to the easiest to wear equipment accessories, so the user's later replacement of the shredder blade is also a huge sum of money, and some users have asked, can a large shredder blade can be modified? The answer is yes, except that the cutters of large shredders are more gripper-like. Unlike the cutters of other machines, which are flat, it is only necessary to use a grinder to grind their edges. Large-sized shredder cutters with sharp edges cannot be ground with a grinding machine. If only the plane grinding of the blades of the shredder cutters constitutes an excessive gap between the blades, the effect is that the shredded material changes in size. Large, can not reach the user's request for granularity. As a professional manufacturer of large-scale shredders, we carefully consider the user's needs, and convey to large users the precise method of correcting large-scale shredder tools. The wear of the shredder tools is mainly reflected in the jaws, so the most simple method of correction is The polishing machine is used to polish the inside of the cutting edge of the shredder blade until the cutting edge of the blade is sharply stopped. In the process of polishing, we must pay attention to the arc polishing of the jaws, and we must use it with the shredder. The blade plane is vertical, so that it can ensure that the loss of the shredder body is minimized.

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