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Causes of tire shredder vibration

When the tire shredder is working, the normal situation should be smooth, noise-free and efficient work. If the vibration suddenly occurs, especially if it is more frequent, the tire shredder may be malfunctioning. It should be stopped immediately for maintenance.What are the reasons for the vibration when the tire shredder is running?

      1. The rotor of the shredder motor is not concentric with the rotor;

      2. The pulverizer rotor is not concentric;

      3. The original balance is destroyed;

      4. The anchor bolts of the shredder system are loose or the foundation is not strong;

      5. The shredder blade is broken or smashed into the room with hard debris.

      The above five points are summarized by Shuguang for the users and friends, which will cause the imbalance of the tire shredder operation process, causing constant vibration in the whole machine. Therefore, it is necessary to check regularly for hammers with severe wear. When replacing, it should be replaced symmetrically; if the shredder equipment is operating abnormally, it should be stopped immediately to find the cause and deal with it in time.

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